Wednesday, December 28, 2011


For years I have been a fan of Jim Hightower.  Southern-voiced curmudgeon and straight-talker, who has been trying to get Americans to realize that they are being flam-boozled by Congress and the Presidency.  He especially likes to pick on George W. Bush's record, and has lots of data that he uses to support his view that "W" as well as lots of unscrupulous Congressmen have raped this country.

Once again, on a trip to the local Dollar Store, I came upon a $1 bargain.  A five-disk package exposing the "questionable" events of the first 4 years of the W. Bush presidency, along with a blasting of greedy Congressmen.  Two of Hightower's books were included:  Thieves in High Places (2003) and Let's Stop Beating Around the Bush (2004).

Jim is a "downhome" Texan, born in 1943.  He has "spent three decades battling the Powers That Be, on behalf of The Powers That Ought To Be."  His latest book is titled:  Swim Against the Current; Even a Dead Fish Can Go With The Flow.

In the Dollar Store package, Jim takes a lot of time talking about "sleezy" politicians, as well as a  guy currently hoping to become President in 2013: Newt Gingrich.  He mentions a lot of negative sounding  things about Newt that are just now also being mentioned by his opponents in the race to win the early primaries in 2012. 

But the main persons that Jim attacks are President George W. Bush and his close cronies.  If even part of what he says about W., Cheney, and Rumsfeld is true, one wonders why none of them is currently serving time.

Yes, Jim certainly has a lot to complain about with the politicians in the Republican Party.. but he also attacks many in the Democratic Party, and in the media, which he compares to a "tasteless joke."  He tries to rally us "common folk" to get rid of all of these "bullies" and regain the rights we have been steadily losing in the United States because of them.

Mr. Hightower is both a very serious and a very funny man.  His seriousness is hidden under a sound  curtain of hilarity.  Pull back that curtain and listen to his serious message, and THINK.  Feel the passion hiding under the humor.. the passion of an honorable man who wants to see our country come back to its former status as a nation "of the people, by the people, and for the people." 


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