Friday, November 25, 2011

What, why and how do you eat?

A few months ago, I finished studying (not just reading) a book authored by a gentleman seen or heard by most Americans on TV and radio shows.  He makes a good guest.  He has a lot to say about our use of food.  The author is Brian Wansink, and the book is:

Mindless Eating (Why We Eat More Than We Think) by Brian Wansink, Ph.D.   Bantam Books. 2006 ISB-13:978-0-553-80434-8

I devoured this book (sorry about that).  Yes I did.. using a modified Hugh Downs Method.  First, I read the whole 200 or so pages little by little.. that is, a few pages each day, marking passages that I wanted to come back to later.  Next I went through the Notes Section,  checking out those notes refered to in the text that I hadn't looked at earlier.  Then I went through the Index, alphabetically, rereading parts of the text on related points in separate parts of the book.   This sounds like a chore, but it was not, because I like the way that Brian writes.

What did I learn from this book that I did not know before?  Not much.  But that is because I have heard the author talk before on NPR and have read much of his subject in a number of popular magazines.

So.. why did I like the book so much?  Because I am a chubby little rascal who knows that he must lose weight, and this book put a lot of weight-management tips together with healthful food-eating tips into a kind of common-sense manual for guys like me.  Doctor  Wansink looked me right in the eye and said: "Hey, fatso, you've got to reengineer your eating habits or you are going to waddle on for the rest of your life!"  This is what he told me to do: (He cites studies and rationales for each of these strategies.)

Reengineering Strategy #1 (Think 20%)

Put 20% less in your plate than you think you will want to eat, and make sure that includes more fruit and vegetables than foods like pasta.

Reengineering Strategy #2 (See all you eat)

Put everything you decide to eat on a plate before you start eating.
Do not remove the remains of what you have eaten before the end of the meal.

Reengineering Strategy #3 (Control your own tablescape)

Repackage big containers to smaller Ziploc containers.
Use smaller plates.
Don't make so much that you have tempting leftovers.

Reengineering Strategy #4  (Make overeating a hassle)

Keep serving dishes off of the table.
Put tempting items in hard to reach places.
Eat snacks only at the dining table and on clean plates.
Don't bring impulse foods into the house.
Eat before you shop.
Shop from a list.

Reengineering Strategy #5 (Remove distractions when eating)

Eat only at the kitchen or dining table.
Try not to watch TV while eating.
Try not to read while eating.
Try to concentrate on what you are eating.

Reengineering Strategy #6 (Tricks for thoughtful cooks)

Prepare healthful food and give the food enticing names like "succulent" or "homemade".
Think about using fancy plates, tablecloths,.. candlelight.

Reengineering Strategy #7 (Make comforting foods more comforting)

Keep the comfort foods, but eat less of them.  Do not deprive yourself.
Pair healthier foods with positive events.  (Like celebrating graduation with something with less calories than "Death by Chocolate!")

Brian also does a comparison of these popular diets:

The South Beach Diet
The Sugar Busters Diet
The Weight Watchers Points Diet
The Zone Diet
The Atkins Diet

He even lays out many of his suggestions in a diet that he calls:  "Your Mindful Eating Plan".

This is only part of the information that Doctor Wansink puts forth in his marvelous book.  I highly recommend it to anybody who is concerned about what they eat. 

Check it all  out at:

...or else:

Watch those calories!   Joe


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